Story Telling Unit-Planning Ideas and Camera Workshop 1
New ideas?
- Moving house for the first time at the age of 17
- Weird time in someones life to move
- New Sixth form and new surroundings
- Meeting new people
- Opening could be the first day of sixth form in the morning getting ready.
- Mikey wakes up
- Birthday the night before-
- Late for work
- Had a late night out
- Calls boss in late
- Charismatic and charming
- Has a smile on his face until the phone rings
- His mom has been sent to hospital
- Throws clothes on panicking
- Runs out the house and starts to run to the hospital
- Another car hits his side and he goes down.
Vicar-Based on Father mackenzie from the Beatles song 'Eleanor Rigby' in the sense that he's a lonely Vicar.
After doing some more research I discovered that the song is often described as a lament for lonely people or a commentary on post-war life in Britain. This has given me the idea of setting my piece in that time period. However, society back then I feel was more close-knit. Everyone knew each other, and neighbours were good friends. Today people seem more isolated which would enhance this idea of the vicar being lonely.
I have also had inspiration from someone I actually knew, but the story has been changed to make it more dramatic but would also be disrespectful to copy their exact story.
The basis
Husband and wife- son dies in car accident
messes the dad up
tells her to go pick the peas from the garden
shoots himself
Who is it about?
Whats their story?
Why do I need to get the story across?
'Father McKenzie, writing the words
Of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
In the night when there's nobody there
What does he care'
Title: Ask the lonely
I thought this was an interesting character to write about, and I could definitely elaborate on his life story.
Introduction is of the father in church at approximately 7:00 PM. He is clearing up stuff from the mass which as we later find out never happens. Being that it is at night, there is a spooky atmosphere to it.
He walks home to his little cottage in the countryside and is there living alone- to indicate a loss of family he has a picture of his wife and son with him in a photo on the side in the hall. He picks it up glances at it and makes his way to the kitchen.
Goes to cook his own tea- this could be sped up and sits at the table to eat it.
He then switches on the news whist he's eating
when he switches the tv off it cuts to the next scene of the next day.
Alarm goes off, hits it gets up.
makes cup of tea and bacon sandwich.
sits down-phone rings.
This comes as a great surprise to him-nobody usually bothers- he gets himself into a panic and goes over to the phone.
This first scene is designed to give an atmosphere for the piece-it is his normal everyday routine for him
Its about a lonely vicar, who lives on his own. He hosts masses etc but nobody ever really turns up
Close church because none goes and convert into apartments
Moves to another place
During the afternoon session we had Fergus teach us how to operate the cameras. This session was useful to me because I hadn't previously worked with such professional industry standard equipment.
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