Directions Unit: Ferg Lighting Lesson

During todays Lesson with Ferg, we began with lighting elements. This was a very useful technical workshop when looking into three-point lighting. We started off learning the different types of film lighting, and all the variations such as:





Open Faced
An open faced lighting fixture is used to create hard light that casts hard shadows. It is not much more than a housing and reflector for the bulb, and provides nothing in between the bulb and the subject.

A Fresnel lens is a special type of lens that is divided into concentric circles, resulting in a much thinner lens than a conventional lens of the same power. This lens evens out the light and allows for the beam to be varied from flood to spot by changing the distance between the lamp/reflector unit and the lens.

A practical light is considered any light source that will appear in the scene such as a table lamp, any visible interior light sources, even a hand held flashlight. Often existing bulbs are swapped out for those of different wattage or color temperature depending on the needed effect and desired contrast ratios within the scene.

We were then given the opportunity to figure out how to create the best lighting for the studio environment we were in. We played around with this for a while and learned about the key lighting, fill lighting and separation lighting.


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