Major Project: Social Media

As established in our Pre-Production Unit, social media is findimental in this day and age with regards to promotion and branding. Whislt branding hasnt been the biggest focus of this uni, it has been a concisten underlying theme which has impacted the website, social media, the poster and of course the final edit and the way it is color graded etc.
Since the title of our documentary has changed along wiht the posters etc. I wanted to give our page a major update. This mean clearing everything previously and developing into what it is today.

The purpose of social media was to also post updates of the edit suite and also behind the scenes filming to give the audience a teaser of what is currently being produced in production; a process audiences rarely get the opportunity to see.

This reached over 600 people meanign that it was a fantastic platform to begin promoting our documentary. After sharing it and some other peopel sharing too it raised a lot more attention than previously. If we were to take this futher and reach more and mroe people it would hopefully build up and engage some level of interest.

Posting all the micro moments featured well and when searching the term 'Assumed Guilty' on facebook it instantly comes up. I was pleased they recieved publicity and hopefully got people talking.


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