
Showing posts from September, 2017

News Production:Saving Money in Transport

I contacted Arriva Bus Company to see if they offered anything to students and they did, but the discount was so minor it was hardly worth applying and after asking if they offered anything more significant they said it was initially down to the universities. Some universities got better discounts than others so its down to them how much money they are willing to invest in student travel. I feel this is something not just down to universities; whilst it is their job to support students, it is Arriva that have the power to change their student discounts to something less damaging to the bank account. Students are spending a lot financially every year and this added cost only exaggerates that. After researching into this and contacting a bus company, I feel like we definitely have good grounds to do a story on student transport. We could also include the benefits of railcars, and how Santander offers a free one to students who set up an account with them as not everyone knows about thi...

News Production: Tech Mood Board Inspiration


News Production: Graduation Website Mood Board


News Production: Critical Perspectives Unit

Builds on contextual studies in your first year- Considers content relevant to this Essay writing and structuring Time management Reading list Develop critical and writing skills further Independent study and dissertation A1 to promote a deeper critical understanding of audio-visual output together with related ethical and ideological concerns LO1 demonstrate a deepening critical understanding of television genre and related media analysis LO2 Produce a more developed application of academic research, writing and analysis of a particular subject. LO3 demonstrate a developed ability to learn and manage work independently through a sustained period. Essay 50% Dissertation Proposal-50% NB-amber and Joni-see handbooks for fiction adaptation Discuss and critical analyse the view that "with a successful adaptation, the original work is transformed into something new and different, although retaining many traces of what it was formally' with reference to at least on...

Critical: Fictional Adaptation

One vision, one text In contrast to the written word, film and television are the result of collaborative process which involves cast and crew of many- Costume, make-up, Set and props Actors, reporters, presenters Director Producer Writers Camera and sound crew Financiers Interpretation  You've got too keep people interested. Good storytelling is often about dramatic license but doing something engaging. It's keeping an audience interested, there is tension between accuracy and the demands of 'good storytelling'.  E.g. impose dramatic tension on something  Locations cast  visualising  Wether it's the challenge of visiting different parts of the world, re-creating a long since period of history or allow someone to experience a situation which would not normally be accessible. Filmmakers can find themselves to accurately and efficiently achieve what is necessary to honour and re-tell the story.  When it goes form a book ...

News Production: Storytelling

Mock News Feedback: Move camera to keep interesting for the two minutes Have Jack as a prompt to be facing me not from behind the camera so he is in my eye line Intro: Unlike VOs/SOTs, the news anchor need do no more than introduce the item and than wrap at the end The reporter themselves  Clarify Story  Graphics and picture research can be very time consuming  Interviews/pix/GFX PTCs Structure/script The military strategy  Accurate/impactful image What you shot should drive what you write and how you write should drive your editing (Tuggle. C>A>, Carr.F,Huffman.s,1013,125) Scripting is therefore important to use as a template for structuring and guiding your edit Research in preparation for shoot. Structure and Content- A good package Intro Body of argument-expert opinion, stats, background info etc. Conclusion Style storytellling devies  Introduce key themes, characters and locations Engage th...

News Production: Critical Perspectives

Enquiry and research skills Reading and note taking skills Analytical skills academic writing skills Preparation and making the most of lectures/tutorials Its fine to ask for suggestions to look at during lectures Started with the reading list so get a book to read and sift Self reflect on your development of your essay Apply  the feedback to your written work and research Work to the best of your ability Work independently- engage in dialogue about theoretical ideas The information will develop your subject Ask yourself... How is what I'm doing helping me to: Critically engage with this subject? Have I discussed it in relation to other critical theory Selecting and researching a case study Questions to ask when analysing your case studies... Nature, character and physical possibilities Creative changes, cultural developments, technical advancements. Look around for: The critical reception of the piece of media you're analysing. e.g./ reviews, Athens, a...

News Production: Live News Practice

Helen gave me and my group the task of reporting on a current news story, which related to our project. We were to create our own news report on this. This included writing a script and deciding how to present the story for what it is. Our story was regarding 'Johns Campaign'. We came up with people we thought relevant for an interview. Johns Campaign  Johns Campaign is an NHS Foundation set up in the Medway. This campaign includes 400 other wards and hospitals. The campaign is set up to help family/friends who are also carers for patients with dementia. They can visit the hospital at any point during the day to see their family and ensure they are happy. It also allows patients to request a specific form of personalised care through the 'Butterfly Scheme'.  The main story we are covering is Johns story and NHS Medway is going to be showing support to the Campaign on World Alzheimer's Day. After receiving the press release from Helen, Gavin wrote a tag li...

News Production: Research: Cool tech

Wireless Bluetooth Speakers Wireless bluetooth speakers are great for students; it allows you to socially engage in much is as a group together wherever wether that be at home, while working or out and about. So overall, they are genuinely quite useful. Stupid though it sounds, I myself listen to music while in the shower, but find the volume on my phone isn't loud enough, plus the hazard that comes with using electrical equipment in the shower. Well luckily for the likes of me, you can actually get wireless waterproof speakers from various companies. However, this can come at some cost, which isn't ideal for students; especially as the bluetooth audio game is quite a recent revolution. After doing some research I've found the perfect solution to a waterproof bluetooth speaker our news channel can test out, at a reasonable cost. Introducing.....*drum roll*.... The TaoTronics Water Resistant Wireless bluetooth Speaker. This speaker is available online for the price of on...

News Production: Genre Research- The Gadget Show

The gadget show was one of my main inspirations for my tech section idea. The gadget show would help consumers decide n technology by giving an unbiased review of new cool technology. The Gadget Show has recently had a revamp and is now set in a Dragons’ Den-like warehouse, which its shabby-sleek day-care. Though simple, it's really pleasing to the eye; we won't be using a studio ourselves for our tech section but its good for inspiration nevertheless. Their conversation-like reviews make us as the audience feel like we are learning about products with them without it coming across as patronising. With my tech section idea I wanted to also include a DIY element where I build my own budget technology, as can the viewers at home. This section was an interesting idea as its cool and fun to do; creating items that can be made at home with little to no budget is always quite intriguing; shows like 'Blue Peter' had an entire fanbase dedicated to this type of genre.  ...

News Production: Running order

In my research in order to help myself visualise an episode from our news channel, I made a running order of a typical show, it's running order and the sort of content we would work into it. Title Sequence- including “In todays show”. This section will include our opening themes songs with some skits form that specific episode. There’ll be a funny commentary fro this thats quite comedic. E.g. Top gear has “in todays show….(funny comments)”. I would find this to be very effective as it gets the audience laughing before the show even starts which is intriguing and incising and suggests while some of our subjects have serious tones, we also don’t take ourselves too seriously Studio Based with live audience Welcome from the presenter(s) and audience who will introduce the first story. Serious current story Clip (pre rec) A pre recorded clip of the first topic. Back to studio to introduce LIVE interview with whomever is related and holds significance to the story. Student savings sect...

News Production: New Camera Workshop

Today we were given the opportunity to try out the new Panasonic cameras in a workshop. This involved watching some of the companies launch videos and short tutorials. Fergus and Sam gave us some pointers and explained the technology behind these cameras. During lecture a good point was raised. One of my fellow peers said they were "always taught that 4k is pointless, the quality looks no better than UHD (Ultra High Definition)". Whilst Fergus and Sam agreed with this in terms of its visual pixels, they argued that 4K opens up a world of possibilities with the way you can film. It enables cinematographers to capture the sharpest video footage yet and edit without losing quality. Once we had seen the new cameras we were shown in another lecture how to Auto Que which was an option for the unit if we wanted to him a studio/green screen part. The Auto Que is basically a mirror, you have an IPad on the bottom of the grip with an auto quest app software running, which is con...

News Production: Developing Skills

Finding stories Broadcast journalist relies on a wide range of sources and contacts in the never ending search for new news The best journalists do not just sit and wait for a story to 'appear' they go out and FIND it Now have experience from the documentary of some these-one that suggests how to find new stories. 1) Newspapers 2) Whats gone viral online-social media 3) Word of mouth "Whistle blower" 4) News Agencies 6) Personal stories 7) Reliability; it could be biased, make sure its verifiable VERIFIABLE  How journalists find stories with 'news value' -Working what dishpan(1997) called 'beats'-'patrolling' -pressure groups, public relations  -The police  -Many of these 'beats' are exclusively accessed by news journalists  -THESE PEOPLE GIVE YOU INFORMATION THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE -"Whistle blower" will talk about more, people higher up won't necessarily tell you everything Working what fishe...

News Production: Meeting with Helen

Today we also went through our script with Helen, which is coming on quite well. As a group we all brainstormed our ideas for the script and the running order we wanted. I came up with an idea on how to word the introduction to our channel. I also wrote the script for my tech section, bluetooth waterproof speaker review. I though it would be cool to have me (the presenter) getting out of the shower with a rubber duck and shower cap. This is humorous and engages the audience. It would then be cool to edit text in after effects where I write its positives and negatives etc. in on the steamy shower door. This would be effective. I then suggested we do this for all aspect with relevant items. So for a section on top 5 student expense list on food, we could have a shot of some peppers getting cut (green, yellow and red) and have the amount based on the statistic percentage.  Helen like our ideas and was pleased with our overall project progress. She gave several ideas as to how it ...

News Production: DIY Tech

I am working in a group with Jack, Gavin and Simon and today we had a brainstorm after our unit briefing to find out what we could make a news channel on. We really liked one of the examples of the work of previous students who's target audience was students. We found this something that we could relate to ourselves so would be something we would be passionate about and take an interest in. Our first idea was to base it on university courses where students are made to pay for their own materials rather than the universities providing it. It was also about students taking courses in nursing and how there has been a significant drop in people choosing such courses as a result of the rise in uni fees and having their funds cut (previously the government would fund those degrees). For a segment of each episode I though it would be a good idea to do something more light-hearted too. We want it to engage our target audience of students by keeping it humorous and interesting without ...

News Production: Student Money Saving Research (FOOD)

During research I found some videos and articles on how to eat healthy on a student budget, which I also thought to be beneficial to students. Health food has got an expensive reputation.Being a student myself it can be difficult to buy the right foods with little money. You want to eat healthy, quality food but don't have the money to buy it. Well that's not strictly true. There are websites out there who promote such a lifestyle and give tips and tricks to eating healthy whilst saving money. Quality Meats Meat is an expensive product, especially quality meats such as steak (due to its good source of protein). However, you can get just as much if not more protein from vegetables such as broccoli, which is much cheaper. Obviously you can't expect every student to become a vegetarian which is why its important to buy other protein meats such as chicken. Signs advertising 'buy-one-get-one-free' on chocolate, sweets and other junk foods, while a shopping basket ...

News Production: Introduction to News

Key Skills to bring forward Sourcing stories and story telling Sourcing contributors Sourcing Locations Script Writing/writing to pictures/'tie writing' Interviewing Skills-Do it yourself or get someone else in to conduct interview Sequencing and actuality SWEFF- Good coverage (GV's) Good sound (atoms, correct mic, control background noise etc) Factual accuracy/fair dealing/impartiality and balance Team Work and communication Time management and organisation skills Interpret information and find news angles-disseminating info thereafter New Skills: Reporting- On Screen/directing talent Fast turnaround (6 weeks to submission) Online platform development/branding/concept Studio presentation/news anchoring (green-screen possibilities) Sourcing talents- I.E. reporters/presenters outside our course UNIT AIMS: A1 Promote critical understanding of news and current affairs output A2 Facilitate the development of creative methodology for the production of new...

News production Unit: Good Writing Tips

The principles of good writing  Have something to say If you want to be a good writer you need to read books, poetry and newspapers Churchill 'we shall fight on the beaches' speech He mobilised the English language and sent it into battle His speech has a punch and directness because its not written in classical forms Repetition of "we shall fight" Force yourself to write with one syllable only Understand the medium- television, radio and print are all written differently Words and sound effects combine in raidio to paint a picture Canadian Inuit by Mike Donkin Use of sound effects, language makes us picture whats happening 31st March 1999 BBC Radio 4 today I you're clear in your mind the burden each sentence must carry you will be writing well D-Day talk by Alan Little, BBC Radio 4 Boxing Day 2004 Archive sound footage with patriotic Scottish bagpipes music Write, re-write and write again and each time simplify the language in which you...