News Production: Critical Perspectives Unit

Builds on contextual studies in your first year- Considers content relevant to this
Essay writing and structuring
Time management
Reading list

Develop critical and writing skills further
Independent study and dissertation
A1 to promote a deeper critical understanding of audio-visual output together with related ethical and ideological concerns

LO1 demonstrate a deepening critical understanding of television genre and related media analysis
LO2 Produce a more developed application of academic research, writing and analysis of a particular subject.
LO3 demonstrate a developed ability to learn and manage work independently through a sustained period.

Essay 50%
Dissertation Proposal-50%

NB-amber and Joni-see handbooks for fiction adaptation

Discuss and critical analyse the view that "with a successful adaptation, the original work is transformed into something new and different, although retaining many traces of what it was formally' with reference to at least one text adapted for broadcast on television - 2,500 words

Fiction- Book---->Translation---->screen TV

Successful is a 'subjective' term
Box office?BARB
Commercial success
Critically well received
Adapted multiple times

"traces of what it was formally"
Different people, one is a collaborative one is personal
So many people involved

New and different: e.g. modernised, changes in the medium its now in, use of technology

Only fools and Horses and Not Going Out have spoofed other books

Analyse the implications of online journalism and the extent to  which "we are all journalists now", making reference to examples of both traditional broadcast journalism citizen

Reading List
Essay writing

Not all people are people are journalists
How viable is this choice?
What are the challenges in answering this option?


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