News Production: Live News Practice

Helen gave me and my group the task of reporting on a current news story, which related to our project. We were to create our own news report on this. This included writing a script and deciding how to present the story for what it is. Our story was regarding 'Johns Campaign'. We came up with people we thought relevant for an interview.

Johns Campaign 

Johns Campaign is an NHS Foundation set up in the Medway. This campaign includes 400 other wards and hospitals. The campaign is set up to help family/friends who are also carers for patients with dementia. They can visit the hospital at any point during the day to see their family and ensure they are happy. It also allows patients to request a specific form of personalised care through the 'Butterfly Scheme'. 
The main story we are covering is Johns story and NHS Medway is going to be showing support to the Campaign on World Alzheimer's Day.
After receiving the press release from Helen, Gavin wrote a tag line and introduction to the story. I went on to writing some questions that could be asked in the interview and relevant people to interview. I would be interviewing Simon as practice and who represents a leading member of the trust.

Questions to Ask:
 -How was the campaign set up?
- What inspired this campaign?
- What is the campaign in aid of?
I needed to fill two minutes so I prepared several questions as basic templates and wanted to treat the interview as a conversation. In doing so I would ask questions based the answers Simon gives. I also wanted to do this as practice when in live TV. In live television the person on screen maybe asked to fill in or two minutes which is a lot harder than it sounds. Therefore being able to improvise is a good skill to learn. 

Possible tag lines

1. "Medway NHS Foundation Trust shows their support to John's campaign, helping patients with a heart breaking illness, make it just that little bit easier"
2. "Dementia patients treatment improves as Medway NHS Foundation Trust shows support to John's Campaign and helps Family carers into hospitals"
Welcome to the programme. Our story today, the Medway NHS Foundation Trust shows support on Alzheimer's day through the John's Campaign. The campaign was set up back in 2014 to allow family carers to come in and out of hospitals at any time or night to see their family. With over 400 hospitals taking part in the campaign, Staff at the Medway NHS Foundation Trust are proud to be engaging with families and carers. We caught up with Simon Lawrence, a worker at the Trust to tell us more.

Mock News Feedback:
Move camera to keep interesting for the two minutes
Have Jack as a prompt to be facing me not from behind the camera so he is in my eye line


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