As Live Production: Quality Assurance Research
I believe that the key to being a director is to really be original in my approach to ensure quality. This is something the entire production team needs to ensure. In production, a quality assurance plan will always take place wether big or small. Having low resolution images and videos would instantly bring the aesthetic quality down. “A video production can go from top quality to a cheap video.” ('Importance of Lighting in Video Production', 2014). An obstacle I came across when trying to commit to this was the old to new section. I had the idea to do how Churchills Siren Suit has evolved into other clothes like jump suits etc. In order to show this in a VT, we would need permission to get images or videos of Churchill in the Siren Suit which could be very costly and difficult to get hold of. On top of that, copyright laws can be very complex and could be more trouble than what it's worth. "Copyright law is one of the greyest areas on the internet" (Sm...