Studio Production: Practice VT Edit

As director, it was my job to sit-down with the editor and go over with them my vision behind the piece and how I would like it to be edited together.

Me and Alex went over the edit together to see what we wanted put in place and where.

Above is the final practice VT outcome. I think we really made the most of our location and used it to improve the stylistic qualities of the piece. However, there is a lot I would change for our final VT Shoot. The first being the setting. I would ideally like somewhere more appropriate to really show off the outfits and era. I would also ideally like to get more coverage, but because of time and problems in planning from our producer, I was left to improvise on the final shoot day with ideas. I knew roughly the sort of thing I wanted so it wasn't a complete issue and me and the producer worked well together in overcoming this. This is what practicing is all about and we have all learned form the mistakes here, which we will hopefully be taking into our final VT Shoot.

Although I didn’t edit the VT’s , the edit will only work in coordination with the way a piece is directed and a director will have influence in the editing department. “Sometimes a director will look over your shoulder throughout the editing process. Other times she will eave you alone as long as you turn in a daily or weekly report.” (Wohl, 2002: P.g 10).


Wohl, Michael (2002), Editing Techniques with Final Cut Pro, PeachPit Press.Berkeley California.


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