Documentary Unit: Research into disrespect

Since we've been considering to do the Documentary on Young people and their opinion, I decided to research into some of the stories which we had been told about involving disrespect towards the Holocaust and things involving it.

 Auschwitz Sign theft (2014)

In the infamous Death Camp Auschwitz, a sign reads "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Sets you Free). This would be the first thing people see when they reach the camp, both for the prisoners at the time, and visitors today. In 2014 it was reported that the sign had been stolen from the camp. A group of men had gone to the camp and taken the sign from there in 3 pieces, cutting it and then sneaking it away. Police eventually found the sign on display in one of the thief's gardens. The men in connection with the vandalism and robbery were arrested and the article that told this story explains the the Holocaust memorial charity called this crime "an attack on the remembrance of the Holocaust" (The Guardian).
The men were aged between 25-34 years old so they were young but old enough to know better.

"Police suspected that a gang was responsible because the theft was carefully carried out, with the perpetrators avoiding attracting the attention of night watchmen or CCTV cameras. Sniffer dogs led police to believe that the sign was removed through a hole in the camp fence before being loaded into a van."

The Yolocaust Project (2016)
After seeing a number of 'inappropriate' selfies' online, Artist Shahak Shapira decided to photoshop these photos onto real archive photos from the holocaust.

This was one of the most controversial photos uploaded to Twitter with the caption "Jumping on dead Jews". Shahak has had many family issues such as his little Brother being attacked when he was 10 simply because he was Jewish. There is no real excuse for such photos. The boys later responded to the photos to Shahak's email address ( and apologised saying they had "no idea how much an impact those words can have.....I would like to be undouched."

You would think after going viral, people would think before taking such photos, but unfortunately similar photos still remain. After doing a quick hashtag search "#holocaustmemorial" on Instagram, I found several images uploaded every day with the similar levels of disrespect.

Students Steal from Auschwitz - (2015)
The next story is seemingly innocent, and to me sounds as though its pure ignorance rather than an act of spite, but still disrespectful nevertheless. In 2015, a British Secondary School went to visit  'Auschwitz' for a History Trip. Two male School students (17 years of age) decided to steal several objects including two pieces of broken glass, spoons, clothes buttons and a comb. The boys claimed them as souvenirs from the camp and to remember the trip by. They had no idea on the immensity of their mistake. Sgt Krzysztof Łach, a spokesman at the Kraków police headquarters said “The museum is very important for us and to people from all around the world and the Jewish people.” The boys spent the night in a youth jail. (The Guardian)


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