Pre-Production: Elevator Pitch

The following is an elevator pitch for this television pilot. We have tried to keep it down to 37 words just to keep it brief and straight to the point. To make it shorter we could cut down the last line but we thought it best too keep it in just to show how this acts as a campaign to the younger generation. With economic hardship, high levels of unemployment on the horizon, there is no better time than now to really captivate the people who will shape our future. 

Well known faces within the British media each embark on individual journeys to answer some questions in regards to their own success. A show to inspire this generation into believing they can be anything they want to be.

An elevator pitch is typically used in industry to be able to sum an idea up briefly in two lines. If you can't do this, then the idea is overly complicated and needs more work. "An elevator pitch (aka elevator speech, elevator presentation, or elevator story) is several things. Of course, an elevator pitch is a communication tool; it will help you articulate your message. An elevator pitch is also a sales tool; it will help you raise the money, and close the deals, you need to be successful."


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