Pre-Production: Research Programme- Who Do You Think You Are?

A point of inspiration for this idea is BBC television series 'Who do you think you are?' where celebs look into their background and family history. It's a point of interest and looks into how they got to where they are today. Some attributes they have for example their ancestors also have and has carries the genes. Whilst my show doesn't go that far back and focuses more on the individuals upbringing, I still found the format of this programme and important point of discussion for research.

"In each episode, a celebrity traces their family tree. It is made by the production company Wall to Wall. The show has regularly attracted an audience of more than 6 million viewers. More than ten international adaptations of the show have been produced." (
This programme us clearly as success with such high viewings and is a really interesting concept bound to draw audiences in with its interesting guests each episode. 

The following episode I analysed form a creators point of view and really looked into the details and structure. 

The episode is introduced without saying who the person or celebrity is. This is clearly done deliberately to attract the viewer and keep them curious. Robert Linsdsay is a well established, recognisable actor that most people tuning into the show will recognise so having him narrate the beginning was particularly gripping. I would like to similarly have Dynamo (or any of the chosen celebrities) to  narrate their story themselves in parts too.

They then follow with titles which includes all the celebrities who will feature in. the series to again, bring in a wider audience. If a viewer sees their favourite actor in there, it will increase their likelihood of tuning in.

Lindsays background is described by him as being 'very working class'. Again, classic background that for me would hopefully engage younger audiences. The used of arrive photos in this is useful as it helps the viewing picture the person who is being discussed (although the further back the less likely pictures are to find/weren't produced). Archive I would need to get clearance on, but hopefully the contributor would be willing to give access and permission for photos as they would be keen to tell their story.

A key difference between this programme and my concept idea is that I would like mine to appeal to a younger audience to almost captivate them and show them how dramatically one can turn their life around. It doesn't have to be something as glamorous as being famous, but it can teach them in an interesting and engaging way that hard work does pay off.  Using current and popular people will only encourage their motivation, especially if they can see how they started off and how most of the time they are in a similar if not worse position.

'Who do you think you are' is definitely targeted towards an older audience, and this can be seen through the presenters soothing, yet intelligent voice and the shows historical context. My style will also be less documentary like where reenactments will also be filmed to visually show my audience what is being talked about. 


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