Major Project: Professor Allan Jamieson Interview

Getting to Glasgow was the other side of the country. Lucky, staying in Yorkshire meant me and Jack wouldn't have so far to travel on shoot days. However, this was still three hours from our lodging so we still had to set off at 5:00am. We were more than use to this having traveled for morning shoots all week.

Medium shot on Blackmagic URSA Mini. This can also be cropped into a close up as it was shot in UHD.
Lens: 50mm

ISO: 200
Shutter Speed:1/60
Kelvin: 6000
Frame Rate: 25 FPS

Wide shot on Blackmagic Production Cinema.
Lens: 24mm

ISO: 200
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Kelvin: 2000
Frame Rate: 25 FPS

Floor Plan/Interview Setuup:

What Went Well 
The shoot went well overall and after travelling a long way to reach Allan Jamieson we got everything we wanted.
We set off very early in order to make it to Glasgow form Yorkshire which took nearly 7hours. We made it in time.
The location wasn't as ncie as it could be and was the best of all the rooms we were shown. However, it was better to have a background with depth. I was able to dress the set by moving things like the microscope in view of frame to show who he was.

What Did I Learn?
Never to travel on a shoot day. Because of our budget we didn't have much choice but to travel on the day. However, if we were to do this again I would consider a hotel in Glasgow and travel the day before and allow time. We were filming our interview with Jan and our garage reconstruction the previous day so this wouldn't be possible anyway, However, if we weren't limited to time I would like to consider other options. This was more aof an issue for Jack as he was the one driving. However, we both remained positive throughout the trip and were able to keep spirits up.


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