Major Project: Shoot Scheduling

I organised the filmign schedule in two sepeare blocks as we had a lot of filming to complete. The best way for me to configure this was to color code it and have the date and times done in blocks. For example, with the Peter Jones interview I highlighted green and had it start at 9:00am. This is the time we would set off and then when we would estimate arrival times it would be a darker shade of green. I wanted to do this so we knew exactly where we were for time as often the travel time was longer than the shoot time as we were usually travelling a long distance in the car or via train. Then with the recreations/GVs the same would apply but the color would be orange to let me know it was a GV/recreation shoot day. I also scheduled in a couple of days test shooting which allowed us to get use to the equipment, more specifically use two cameras I hadn't previously picked up before. I also thought this would be a good idea so we could pull together a rough setup plan for shooting itnerviews. In creatign the 'Netflix-look' it was important to master lighting temperature/positioning and camera settings and how the cameras would be matched up in post.

There are breaks in the schedule which were planned for shooting in the courts etc but becuase they weren'tt 100% confirmed I decided to leave them blank until they were.


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