Major Project: Buying Props

The first prop I ordered was a tape recorder from eBay. This was a neccisary prop for recreations and cut to shots to demonstrate a a police interview where they tape the conversation. We wanted to get some cinematic shots with this.

When it arrived I needed to clean it properly as it didnt arrive in the cleanest of condition.

Cleaning this meant a lot of spray and police. I used cotten earbuds to get between the grooves of the speakers.

This is a gavel I ordered from Amazon ans will be used to identify the hammer going down in cut between shots. This breaks the interviews up and therefore will keep the attention of the viewer.

These police lights was an idea I came up with as a substitute for a real police car. As mentioned in previous blogs, miune and Jacks intentions were to origionally hire a mock police car with two officers for the day. The company we found do this for various films and tv shows, hence the high price. However, we don't have film or tv show budgets so if this idea works we will have saved a lot of money.

Usually in production, they will have people who specialise specifically in the props department wether they order, research and find or make their own. This is common practice. "Its. They oversee, and are responsible for, the procurement or production, inventory, care and maintenance of all props associated with productions, ensuring that they are available on time, and within budgetary requirements. They also ensure that selected props suit the film's style and overall design, and that they accurately reflect the production's time period and culture." (, 2019).

Reference: (2019). Prop Master | Film and TV Jobs in the Entertainment Industry | [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019].


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