Major Project: Poster Design Development

In designing a poster for our documentary I wanted to test different ideas to see what would suit the idea. This also allowed me to ammend the working title to see how it would work with somethig else. By using key words/phrases I would see what would suit a title and poster.

These are some of my origional poster designs form the Pre-Production Unit. Whilst I like these designs in terms of the netflix look. However, this was jsut a test of ideas and not the final posters. The people in it were to represent that anyone could be affected by this issue, but for the purposes of this project I feel if we did that having the actual people would maek more sence. However, shooting special photos for thsi would seem a little too gimicy and a bit fake in my opinion. If I was to do that, I would consider using archive photos.

This one I sketched was 'Miscarages of Justice' with an image of the arm of lady justice, but with the scales uneven to show the system is lacking balance. Whislt this is only rough it gave me a rough idea on the development. I still prefer the thumbprint desgn but I tested different background colors and the creamy colour suited the look the most. When I decide on the final poster design I will test different colors.

The next poster idea is inspired by the key word 'silenced' which could also make a great title. I went on to find a high quality photo of Eddie and adjusted it to make it black and white and adjust the brightness and contrast.

Origional Photo

Black and White Layer: 

Adjusting Contrast and brightness.

Adding Text with rectangle shape box:

Although I really like this poster design I feel it draws attention away form the others. It would be more effective if this was a documentary purely about the case of Eddie Gilfoyle. 

The final poster design me and Jack have decided on comes from our shoot at the prison. Jack initially sketched this design idea and we both decided we liked it but we weren't sure how we would get such acess at the time. We assinged a brief to our selected UCA photographer Chelsea who shot our last photo poster for us.

Brief: Updated version of a poster to advertise upcoming documentary 'Assumed Guilty' on the same topic previously. The poster must not be subjected to one person in the documentary and must be kept in the Netflix style branding but add the student branding instead.

We asked Chelsea what equipment she had and she brought along a Canon 5D mark ii with a 35mm lens and a speedlight flash (due to the environment being dark, she said she needed a light source) She gathered a load of shots together for the poster and also some behind the scenes photos. Jack sketched an initial design to follow for the sort of thing we were after/visioned in our heads.

After testing out different images from this shoot we decided on our final poster and which image would be more appropriate. There were loads of pictures taken when we were shooting in the prison escape room for our documentary.


The final image was chosen, and I managed to add titles to the poster after color grading. I discussed with Jack the different options for text and we found one we agreed upon. It looked better with the date and UCA logo on the left hand side for symetary, as the right hand side seemed too over-crowded witht he bench. It was open space on the left and fit in perfectly. The title itself was the ideal position so there wasn't much to experiment with here.

To add the finishing touches I also edited the names of Jordan, Eddie and Liam onto the prison walls. Initially it said 'Therisa' on the wall but after using the clone tool and paintbrush I wrote the names in PhotoShop.  I also decided against having "is our justice system failing?"as it seems a bit clice and Jack also agreed. 

Final Poster Design:


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