Major Project: Meeting Tutorial with Beth and Simon

After finishing all of our shoots besides the drone shoot tomorrow, me and Jack had a tutorial with Beth and Simon individually. We first spoke to simon and gave him the start of our documentary to watch. Although there wasnt a lot to see given we had jsut filming, it was woth showing them anyway just so they can we where we are at with the edit so far and what our timeline structure is saying. Simon suggested that perhaps the two interviews from Prof. Allan Jamerson adn Jerry Hayes at the start are a bit disorientating. However, becuase there wasn't a lot new to show him, we were set the deadline of next Monday to have a rough cut finished. I believe this is achievable if we have finished shooting tomorrow. It means I will now be able to focus purely on the edit itself. We can then work on Simons feedback Monday ready for our next tutorial with Beth the following week.

When we went to show Beth our edit so far this was the first time she has seen any of our filming. The last time we caught up was with our first session in October and this project has developed a lot since then. It was refreshing to have a new analyticle fresh set of eyes on our project as we have been watching and Simon has seen this develop the whole way through. Beth seemed really impressed with what we had done complimenting it on its story, contributors and the way it was filmed. This was great to hear, especially because this was our exact intention. She sadi that if she was trying to get this commissioned she would think hard before even getting a director involved as it has such troubling stoires that are hard to watch. me and Jack reassured her that we were happy and comfortable with this and that it hasnt affected us personally. Whilst this was a troubling subject matter, we have found ourselves more detached given if we become too closely involved we risk making the documentary biased. Once we had gone through the positives it was time to move onto the constructiv e feedback. Now again, we haven't got a full timeline or anything together at this point so it was difficult to give us any detailed feedback. But some adive we were given was the following. beth believed that these stories are powerful enough on there own so it is important not to over-dramatise and make them to sensationalist. Becuase our target is more Netflix orientated rather than Channel 5, I would agree with this comment.  It doesn’t need to be so obvious, and a key element to this was to balance it more with music. it was empasised in this meeting the importance of music. We were advised to look at sound and tone of documentaries we have watched and form a judgement on them and analyse closely their sound. It is a very important element which is often overlooked.
Beth highlighted not to play into genre cliche to subvert what it does in mainstream television
Discuss what the story is but talk one line “this is the story of” not make a series of interviews with a conclusion on either side.


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