Major Project: Cut to shots shoot

Today Jack and decided to film our cut-to shots of relivant 'giveaways' to the documentary. These were shot on the BlackMagic URSA 4k. We also attempted to udse a panasonic for the slow motion shots as the Blackmagic doest shoot any quicker than 60fps. We needed to shoot in 120fps in order to achieve the super slow motion shot of the hammer we were going to. We brought some chalk to try and create dust from the hammer going down. However, after test shooting this wasnt very effective and decided to try flour instead. THe result was effective but unfortunately left flour either at the start of shot or the aftermath which isn't ideal as it broke away from the the realism.

I am pleased we were able to test this out but unfortunately I don't think it would be effective in the final cut. However, I was impressed with what the panasonic was able to achive in one formfactor. Such shots I would still attempt in the future, this jsut didnt work becasue regardelss of the amount of tests we attempted the end wresult was always the same: we could see the flour. Whilst masking the flower out may be a possibility I believe it may become too over complicated.

The rest of the shoot entailed getitng some nic epull focus shots, paning shots and extreme close ups of the cassett player and Gavel. This shoot was going well up until one of the C-fast cards randomly corrupted. We had two cards and filmed on the first one and ditched the footage. Whilst this was ditching we filmed on the second card. However, when we went to swap over it came to be that my laptop wouldn't recognise the card. After researhcing into this issue and attempting/failing to resolve the issue we had to re-shoot again on the otehr card. When we plugged the corrupted card in it began working again after I re-formated it.


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