Major Project: Lighting Research

SOmehting key to the cinematic look and also telling a story is the lighting used. Any standard interview would have the typicla lighting setup we practiced previously (the three lkight setup) but I feel I have really missed a trick here. Whilst this loked fantastic for an interview, it didnt really tell a story, it just looked like an interview. And I believe that this is down to the lighting. As said by professional cinematographer Creatvie North "whats right for the story, what enhances the audience emotion into the sotry what makes them feel thay are in that lace feeling the story. "when shooting docs you are a slave under reality" Work with characters who can bring somethig to the table. Starts before lghting with locaitons etc and then you ened to adapt to the reality you are in.

Tougnston creates warm temprature

Edxcentuate subject and bring depth into the light

6000 kelvin in temprature to give a bit of cold light 

I believe for the sad tone of this documentary it is important to play around with the lights and color. I want to maintian the Netflix style and I beleive this is achievable. 

To get the most out of the locaiton think about how it can be rearranged. For Eddies interview for example, I believe it would be a nice touch to include pictures of him and his wife in the background, which would also resinate well with the viewers. Sencetivity here is key as I wouldnt want us to trigger any upset.


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