Major Project: Meeting with Simon
Today we had a meeting with Simon to discuss where we were at with our project so far. We went through some of our footage form interviews and explained the basis of what we have done. Simon gave us some great feedback. He recomended the interviews we have left to film we keep them less so having a noose forensic expert would only make it more complicated. We need people who can talk about all the cases not just the ones speciafically so they can act as a thread for the entire documentary. Something else we were told was to film the interviews around the questions whihc is something we have doen with the mental health expert and the DNA expert but need to do the same with Liams interview and Jerry Hayes. We also don't need to over-complicate recreation of scnes and we keep them simple like we have with Eddies Wife Hanging recreations. This means we may not need to shoot the police car which would be expensive to hire properly. All this feedback was useful, and we needed to create an edit schedule to ensure we stay on top of our edit ready for our next tutorial.
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