Major Project: Deciding on an Ending

Myself and Jack have spent a lot of time working out how we will end the documentary. I went ahead and sourced some clips we could end on with any of the contributors closing statements. I looked through our transcript and picked out some key clsoing statements and what we could narrow them down to. After sitting through this we both decided to end on just the 'victims' closing statements rather than all the contributors. I feel this is more impactful. I also didn't want to waste all the fantastic footage we had from our day shooting in Manchester for the Innovation Of Justice in our pre-production unit. Whilst this was a test shoot/chance to meet and learn about not only our contributors but the topic itself, i wondered if it would work as an ending in bringing all of our contributors togehter in one room, now they are all united by going through similar experiences.They have found a vocie and an extended family for others who have suffered an di feel it would help to bring forth a conclusive ending. This did also mean havign to transcribe all the audio for Jan, Liam, Eddie and Eddies sisters speeches at the conference. Once this was all looked at I decided to test some ideas for how the end could be sequenced. I wanted to open with some establishing shot labeling where the next sequence is set i.e. (innovaiton of Justice Cinference and then the date). This would fade in and we would open up wiht Eddies sister talking at the conference then into a part of Eddies closing statement. It would then go into the next person. I felt Liams closing statement was compellign, but Jans was more conclusive as she mentions how "if this was happenign in a third world country we would be up in arms sayign how backwards that country is and yet its happening here and noone knows about it". I felt that was a good place to end. Liam says what needs to change and that iis to view the individuals as people with a story not a statistic on a government chart. THis would subsiquently go onto Liams speech at the conference which was also used in the original trailer for the pre-production unit. Jan expresses strong emotion about not wanting to cry until he is released and they can be tears of joy, if she cired n ow she would never stop and she is conforted by those around her. Wathcign this brought a chill to my spine and that emoton is integral to the ending.


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