Major Project: Trailer

When designing our trailer for this unit I wanted to have something that would really capture the essence of our piece and make it exciting and inquisitive so the viewer is left wanting to watch more and will hopefully tune into the final documentary. In order to gain an insight into this I first referred back to the original trailer I produced for the pre-production unit and in doing this found out just how much our project has developed from then. Whilst the general theme and tone has been the same now we have actually filmed the documentary there is a lot more to show that could well be condensed down into this trailer. Something I found I really did enjoy was the music. it was lifting and really helped carry it. This was inspired by the previous documentaries I had seen on Netflix and I researched into those trailers. I wanted to refresh myself with some of those trailers again as well as some new trailers that have come out very recently. One new Netflix documentary reminds me very much of our project, particularly our section on Eddie Gilfoyle. The documentary is called ‘Staircase’ and is one I have now started watching as research into how our project could be better edited. The story is about a novelist Michael Peterson who’s wife died in 2001 and he claimed she perished after falling down stairs at their home. The medical examiner, however, determined that she had been beaten with a weapon, which led to Peterson becoming a suspect in what would become a murder investigation. This series, which began with eight episodes in 2005 before being updated in 2013 and 2018, follows the investigation proceeds from Peterson's arrest to a verdict being reached in the ensuing trial. The real-life courtroom thriller offers a rare and revealing inside look at a high-profile murder trial and an examination of contemporary American justice.
The trailer for this was very well done and some key elements I picked out from its trailer were the following:

It included a lot of archive- this is a matter of access and the majority of what I have seen from the documentary so far appears as archive. 

They included a strong story background on the case with the general gist of what happened and how they convicted Michael Peterson. This may be harder for us because we have three people to talk about but I can make that work.
A key quote from one of their experts was that the “System is Flawed" and "needs to change". This was powerful and I felt something that resonates with a lot of people. We too have some extracts like that from our interviews. It may be worth including although I wouldn’t want to copy, just take some inspiration from .

The trailer is below:

Another trialer I wanted to take inspiration from was a trailer from a documentary that has in a sence inspired this documentary in the pre-production unit. The way this documentary as a whole is edited is fantastic and definitely something I have enjoyed watching. 

Below is the final trailer outcome:


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