Major Project: Fine Cut Group Screening and working on feedback.

Today we sat as a year group watching everyone's projects with the intention of critiquing and giving feedback. It was interesting to see what everyone else had been up to this year as I had heard bits but not seen the full and final products of peoples work. When our documentary was watched we recieved a good amound of feedback adn I was pleased to come away feeling mostly positive. There were some areas that could be adjusted or maybe re-ordered with the structure as Simon believed we dont give a fair amount of screen time to everyone. When watching back the documentary with this in mind, I tried to re-jig parts but unfortunately found it very difficult. When showing Jack it appeared that a lot of these tests didnt work ad we lost flow on the stories and it sdidn't flow as well in terms of what the people were saying with what the experts were saying. Because of this we made the decision to revert to how we origionally had it and totaled up how much screen time each of the three leading contributors have and it calculated as follows:

Eddie: 7min 15 sec

Liam: 6min 57

Jan: 6min 30sec

After analysing this we found that this was a fair amount for everyone as they stand with roughly the same time.

Something else we were given as ffedback was the name titles. Aimee commented how if we have them throughout for one we should do the same for everyone. I took note of this and whilst working on feedback I mesaged her to ask where this was most noticeble.

I worked on what Aimiee said as from a fresh pair of eyes if this is something she picked up on then it shoudl be corrected and I can see how it would be jarring.

Sitting as a group critiqueing everyones work was somethign I was jubious of at the time as I wanted people to see the final refined version. However, after reciveing feedback I related to Lee Smith who is one of my inspired editors and how every friday they wuld sit and watch the edit to get feedbakc and every week would also bring a few others in with a fresh pair of eyes to view it. Whils the wouldnt always go with what was said as his editor instincts told him otherwise at times he would and he valued feedback and I certainly to value constructive critacism as it is better to recieve it before it is finished rather than hear it from an audience when it is.


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