Major Project: Primary Research visiting a prison guard from Belmarsh

As a part of primary research and in order to gain an understanding of Belmarsh prison and what it was like there, myself and Jack visited a prison guard from Belmarsh Prison. For confidentiality and privacy reasons we were not allowed to record the interview or post any images anywhere. This prison guard has had friends in the same position who have been attacked or stalked buy inmates they guarded just by being on facebook. We did try to persuade an anonymous interview but he was dead against it which was fair enough and I don’t believe our documentary will suffer as a result. The reason why we went to speak to his is to cooberate with what Eddie has said about being in Belmarsh prison as an innocent mad and to get a strong background. This is important to documentary making and just because you don’t interview on camera, having private or telephone interviews are great means of research.

Below are some notes I took during the interview:

Remand prisons- usually temporary stay. High end prisons like from the IRA etc. So real high end
prisons. Prisons built for education sand work they would be transported to

Most secure prison in Europe- 
Get searched, push button camera, open gates
It had four wings, small and contained. Baracades.
Most wings hold between 60 and 80. It’s control and containing.

Phones smuggled in but detectors came around as technology developed.

Not getting a visit and kicks off
Not getting on a phone

Sentence- if they believe they are innocent and get a hefty sentence it hets them up with depression not suicide.
One situation didn’t know the guy. Stole a car got caught and got 6months. Went into the healthcare at Belmarsh. Went on to night shift. He was moved in back to wing. Count every prisoner on the wing and confirm it. Goes around at 6:00 am again and then waits for the day staff again. On one run round he found a man hanging from four corner brackets on the wall. Hung bootlace and lowered himself down. Did it about midnight. 

He had no reason to monitor

Need to be on constant guard so everything is always logged.

Enhanced prisoner

-Back what Eddie said about never being allowed on enhanced?
Regardless of what they are on is standard
Enhanced you get tv, more phone calls etc.

If you behave within a month you get more visits, telly, more opportunities. Standard okay. Basic you lose your telly etc. - Almost like an award or punishment within prison.
Juveniles are brought on enhanced straight away.
Like an adult going to a kid. The way the lifecycle is.

Rapist tend to have their own wing (rule 43) which is for sex offenders, child molesters, ex policemen, judges etc. This bread vulnerable people which could be at risk on a normal ring.
Takes the chance but will get labelled as a sex offender. Easiest prisoners to control as they are so timid.

Young offenders
Can’t be cocky but not timid- that first night is the worst as wondering what is gonna happen in the morning when they cone out. 15-18 juvinial

Been a prison guard since 1994.
Talks about what prison is like, also specifically Belmarsh
Close yourself in a prison cell, the heaven metal bars closing with that ominous clank. As a part of our training we had to spend 5 mins in a cell on our first day, an even then you had a sense, in the back of your mind like nerves cos you know they’re going to let you out but you’re not sure if they’ve locked you’re mates next to you or if they’ve just left you to go have a cup of tea.


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