Contextual Studies L5- Texts, Contexts and Culture


  • Importance and function of sounds

  • Elements of sound

How important is sound?
Can add to a piece and create more feeling/atmosphere
Can you have sound without pictures?
Can you have pictures without sound?

Derek Jarman's Blue (voices over a blue screen)
Even silent cinema was never really silent, it would usually have music from the piano etc. If they wanted to project th sound of thunder they would get a slate of metal and flex it.

Function of Sound
It provides an aural narrative (dialogue, voiceover)
Sonic ambience (mood, atmosphere, sound effects)
Emotional or intellectual resonance or dissonance (music).

Key elements

-Speech (dialogue or narration)
-Ambient or natural sound
-Sound effects
-Musical score or soundtrack

Sound cane used to heighten drama-abstract or enhanced effects designed to affect audience perception or emotional state (e.g. audible, heartbeats in horror films). They can simulate reality as it underscores and reinforces unity of mine en scene and editing (e.g. traffic noises, chatter, room tone).

Aesthetic uses
Impressionistic- Harmonious sound that evokes a mood, atmosphere or tone

Expressionistic- Discordant sound that evokes abstract or dark psychological states
Asynchronous- Sound and visuals are mismatched (e.g. there is a scene in Hitchcock's 39 Steps where there is the sound of a woman screaming and the sound of the whistle of a train which continues to play)
Diegetic Intrinsic to the film space or implied by action (e.g. music, dialogue). Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. 

Non-Diegetic- Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action (e.g. narrator's commentary, sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect, mood music). Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space. 

Looking for Langston (1989)

slow motion but sound is normal with birds singing. 

The classic Red Room scenes demonstrate Lynch's love of sound that reflects psychological states...
Note the low background industrial hum and reversed dialogue.

David lynch 
"films are 50% visual and 50% sound. Sometimes sound even overplays the visual"

What mood/narrative does this sound convey? 
The imperial march by John Williams for the film Star Wars creates all kinds of connotations. It underscores or accentuates visual narrative, emotion or drama. Creates resonance or dissonance.

Music can be also used as a narrative device 
its all about choosing the right music. For example, in order to market the movie Suicide Squad  they used the use of music to promote the film and reach a global audience. 
Can use any music regardless of dramatic context
Successful soundtracks would often have successful films so the trailers would play music to the pieces of action. However, when the films came out they realised the films weren't as good. They started trying to apple trailer ethos to the actual films but it didn't work very well for most films.

Legend (1985)
The electronic soundtrack would take 4-6 weeks depending on the budget. Often they use synthesiser music because its easier and cheaper.

The alienation technique provides a contrast between the grim reality of the characters real lives, and their romantic aspirations as expressed in music and dance.
in some older films if they had actors that couldn't sing they would dub their voices with professional singers.

Modernism vs Postmodernism
Modernism- an aesthetic and cultural reaction to classicism, relying on innovations in form, material and techniques to create new modes rational and progressive expression and representation
Broadly ideologically utopian (e.g. Soviet montage)
Postmodernism- Reaction to failure of modernisms objective rationalism. Rationally deconstructs from fusing disparate elements of high and low culture.

Use of narration
Usually first person subjective (monologue or contributors voice)'Voice of God' Objective commentaryConventions of male Vs female voices- the associations we have with them. (e.g. a military documentary is most likely to have a male voice).


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