Story Telling Unit- Camera workshop 2

During today's workshop we started off watching some film clips to inspire us how we could make the most of our cameras. It was insightful to workout just how many different shots are used in one sequence. For example, when watching a clip from Shawshank Redemption, it worked out to be 18different shots in just a 2minute sequence. We als watched the work of a previous students second ever film, and like wise they used a number of different shots in such a short sequence.
What is the scene? 
Block out action 
Work out shots needed

The activity hosted by Fergus and Simon was to create a short film based around a chair. The goal was to tell a story using just cinematography, with varied shots. We worked in pairs and we have now retrieved the footage to edit. I found this interesting given its simplicity, yet creativity. The final vidio will later be edited by myself.
Before I started filming my sequence, I planned what I was actually going to do. I needed purpose behind the car so i created a short plot where its simply a boy walking through the door and realises his shoelace is undone, so he goes to sit on the chair to tie it back up. Whilst he's there he checks his phone before he gets up to leave again.

I have edited and uploaded the final product to YouTube:


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