Commission: Editing logo graphics

As part of my commission my brief was to include some animated graphics:

"Animate Maidstone Studios Logo for top and tail sting

Animating map graphics of location relative to London and Motorway and rail links. Possible stylised 3D animation of Building and exploded views of Studio 1 & 2"

My first graphic to animate I wanted to be the logo so I could show Carly in our meeting to see her opinions on the logo graphic. This graphic if good enough could be used in all branding for the studios videos and I hope to include in all of videos I am due to make. The idea of animating it on a television would look particularly good.  

Editing the logo graphic was really interesting and insightful. I tried several different versions of the logo before deciding on an official one myself, but I will ask Carly to see which one she prefers.
I got in touch with Joe, an animation student from UCA, who agreed to help me with graphics.


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