Commission: Locations

My Locations for my commission piece are all in the same area: Maidstone Television Studios. The areas of filming include:

UCA Base Room:
This room is where I will be filming the television zoom. I initially wanted to film here because of the white walls which I thought would make a nice clean background. I then changed my mind and thought it would be even better in front of a green screen. This means I have more freedom in post production to decide what background I want and if worst come to worst I can chose a plain white background then. The base room is a good place to film this as its hidden away, has a large enough space to set up a green screen and requires no additional travel costs as I wold be going into uni anyway, which is cost effective to my budget. "By improving efficiency a business can reduce its costs and improve its competitiveness." (BBC Bitezize, Business Studies). 

Post production facilities (dubbing, gallery etc):

The post production facilities will be inactive when filming them which could be an issue. So I've planned close up shots and the use of professional photos which would be effective if edited right. I will have Jack as a crew member on shoot who will be helping with lighting and helping transporting equipment, so if there is nobody there I will film close ups of his hands typing etc.

Dressing Room and Green Room:
The shots in here will be very basic. A quick pan across the room and a few close ups for additional coverage. This isn't a highlight of the studios and is pretty standard so I wouldn't want too much focus on this. 

The Reception:
The reception is almost the heart of the studios. ts what you first see when you enter and therefore what will be first seen in my promotional video. It needs to create a good impression and be clean looking to show professionalism. Its a fantastically bright room with large windows to allow natural daylight. This is good for the camera as natural lighting has a really clean look so I hope the sun is out when I come to film here. The reception is east facing which is where the sun rises in the morning, so I would like to film this area first thing in he morning. "There are many famous films that have made use of only natural light and in some cases have been some of the best examples of cinematography in history" (NOAM KROLL, 2013). Thus natural lighting can be really effective in cinematography and is something I should really make the most of. Natural lighting doesn't last very long this season (winter) so will need to make sure I start early. 

The restaurant:
The Restaurant has recently been refurbished and so is very fresh and clean at the moment and my shots need to match. Some simple track shots would be nice here. As a location, I will need to make the most of its facilities, so I think it would be good to film a barrister making a coffee to give the audience feelings of comfort; coffee has a homely smell and gives of welcoming connotations. "It [coffee] can help you make friends." (Brandon, 2015) which can only add to this welcoming and comforting atmosphere; coffee brings people together.


NOAM KROLL, 2013, Abby Brandon
Jul 27, 2015



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