Critical Perspectives: Globalisation
CNN have been accused of staring up 'compassion fatigue' throughout their reporting of global human suffering.
Rather than motivation and mobilising change amongst world powers and individuals't suggests it has desensitised the audience to major world powers
Furthermore, focusing on particular events of 'crisis coverage', global tv news coverage ignores many more significant events and therefore they are excluded from their policy debate.
Filling air time, but not necessarily with something thats going to make a change.
Bitesize pieces.
When related to news, globalisation is distinct from globalisation un general-which tends to focus upon socioeconomic loans such as the impact of international.
Having a dramatic tone and generically formatting but still with their individual brands.
How we put stories together can change how we look at stories and put them together.
Aid packages to charity but don't look at the root cause and how it may be our fault
24/7 global news players emerged throughout the 1990s and beyond.
World stage for new audiences such as China and India
What ideological impact is this likely to have?
Has the capacity to contribute to democracy...through its range of representations.
Lens we apply changes what we see; so for an adaptation we need a new lens that changes the ideology of that book and the movies behind it
The media can enhance and convey cultural differences as we'll as the sort of 'bad' news which might reinforce cultural prejudices. e.g. conflict or famine in the Third World etc.
What is the effect of social media on re-dressing the balance?
Is it in fact a smaller world after all?
Can see ourselves and each other facing the same sort of challenges and issues?
What impact does tis have o the potential for both fictional and storytelling?
Drama and Cultural Appropriation?
Hollywood whitewashing?

'I am Major' was very much similar to 'Blade Runner' and therefore inspired by it.
The idea of culturally appropriating.
If it's a global market place why does it have to be packaged by making the character look like Scarlet Johanson. If it's a diverse audience why can't the cast be diverse?
It was a Japanese comic so would've had japanese cast.
But having her play the protagonist means there is a guaranteed audience and therefore guaranteed profit.
Stuart Hall's Reception Theory (1980) argued that audiences "de-code" what is presented to them and impose their own ideologies onto what they see and hear.
Dominant Reading
Negotiated Reading (views with some interpretation)
Oppositional Reading (opposition of intended view)
"Agenda Setting Theory"
IT asserts that news potentially impacts our understanding and decision making
Origins from 1922 in book by journalist Water Lippman "Public Opinion"
News media are responsible for putting pictures in our heads, which inform our view of the world.
Certain conditions are necessary. Agenda setting, how journalists and media organisations determine salience and story framing.
Key influences and News Coverage
Media ownership s significant: Rupert Murdoch has been stopped from owning more of his own company in recent news. This is because its not his news and against the companies policy.
Extent of agenda setting impact on audience is variable and depends on
Priming public opinion; the TV news tells us not only what issues to consider, but also how we think of them.
Impact on behaviour
How can globalisation impact my essay?
The Guardian has its own page on Globalisation news.
Technological advancement has not only destroyed the worlds social boundaries, it has brought tremendous transformation in all fields of life.
CNN have been accused of staring up 'compassion fatigue' throughout their reporting of global human suffering.
Rather than motivation and mobilising change amongst world powers and individuals't suggests it has desensitised the audience to major world powers
Furthermore, focusing on particular events of 'crisis coverage', global tv news coverage ignores many more significant events and therefore they are excluded from their policy debate.
Filling air time, but not necessarily with something thats going to make a change.
Bitesize pieces.
When related to news, globalisation is distinct from globalisation un general-which tends to focus upon socioeconomic loans such as the impact of international.
Having a dramatic tone and generically formatting but still with their individual brands.
How we put stories together can change how we look at stories and put them together.
Aid packages to charity but don't look at the root cause and how it may be our fault
24/7 global news players emerged throughout the 1990s and beyond.
World stage for new audiences such as China and India
What ideological impact is this likely to have?
Has the capacity to contribute to democracy...through its range of representations.
Lens we apply changes what we see; so for an adaptation we need a new lens that changes the ideology of that book and the movies behind it
The media can enhance and convey cultural differences as we'll as the sort of 'bad' news which might reinforce cultural prejudices. e.g. conflict or famine in the Third World etc.
What is the effect of social media on re-dressing the balance?
Is it in fact a smaller world after all?
Can see ourselves and each other facing the same sort of challenges and issues?
What impact does tis have o the potential for both fictional and storytelling?
Drama and Cultural Appropriation?
Hollywood whitewashing?

'I am Major' was very much similar to 'Blade Runner' and therefore inspired by it.
The idea of culturally appropriating.
If it's a global market place why does it have to be packaged by making the character look like Scarlet Johanson. If it's a diverse audience why can't the cast be diverse?
It was a Japanese comic so would've had japanese cast.
But having her play the protagonist means there is a guaranteed audience and therefore guaranteed profit.
Stuart Hall's Reception Theory (1980) argued that audiences "de-code" what is presented to them and impose their own ideologies onto what they see and hear.
Dominant Reading
Negotiated Reading (views with some interpretation)
Oppositional Reading (opposition of intended view)
"Agenda Setting Theory"
IT asserts that news potentially impacts our understanding and decision making
Origins from 1922 in book by journalist Water Lippman "Public Opinion"
News media are responsible for putting pictures in our heads, which inform our view of the world.
Certain conditions are necessary. Agenda setting, how journalists and media organisations determine salience and story framing.
Key influences and News Coverage
Media ownership s significant: Rupert Murdoch has been stopped from owning more of his own company in recent news. This is because its not his news and against the companies policy.
Extent of agenda setting impact on audience is variable and depends on
Priming public opinion; the TV news tells us not only what issues to consider, but also how we think of them.
Impact on behaviour
How can globalisation impact my essay?
The Guardian has its own page on Globalisation news.
A Canadian theorist propagated the idea of Global Village in 1960:
In his study, he felt the world has shrunk to a village due to advancement in science and technology. People of the world now live in close proximity, sharing their joys and sorrows with one another through facebook, twitter and email etc.
Mass media helps to reveal the news of people’s misery so that concerned authorities can take necessary steps. The whole world has become a global village due to media (as suggested by the Canadian theorist) . Today the powerful effects of media have spread in every society all over the world. A tragedy occurs in the China, and the UK is getting live reports within minutes.
The World Wide Web is collection of millions of changing documents on computers all over the world. These documents may contain the books, magazines, pictures, films and information one needs. The different websites that run into millions, offer information in the all categories like sciences, arts, religion, education, etc. So for every subject there is a topic.
This global village is also rather dangerous in many ways. With the risks of 'Fake News' a story built on lies can be spread around the world like a nasty virus within minutes. Having a mass audience that is so absorbed by what they see and read in the media makes them subject to invulnerability.
It's not always about the end result it's the process and passing through peoples hands who are shaping material and passing to a huge audience far bigger than we would've ever previously imagined .
Because it's a time based media it can't do everything; those commercial processes trigger a lot of those decisions.
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