CV Workshop
- Think about your skills
- Look for companies you'd like to work with , not just London but locally
- Do your homework
- Show an interest, make it personal to them
- Follow it through
Tell them stuff you do in your spare time, so if you're a YouTube vlogger tell them and link them. Tell them part time work and you can commit to a job.
Skills you wish to gain
Stand out from the competition with:
Personal details
Career Profile
Education and Qualifications
Employment/work experience
Artistic achievements/awards/exhibitions/competitions
Relevant Skills
Personal details- Short and to the point name and contact details
Make sure email is professional 3-4 lines with good strengths showing skills, immediate am and longterm career goals.
Education and qualifications
include DofE
Employment/Work Experience
Key Skills
A breakdown of skills
One master copy with every single thing on, fill up as many pages as you want. Then when applying for specific jobs pick out anything relevant so its tailored to the job you're applying for.
Effective designs
Be Expressive and creative
Keep it to two pages maximum
Put your name and email on every page
Use a professional font
Never use graphs, tables or pictures of yourself
Branding of yourself
Use a graphic branding like a still of one of your films
Think outside the box of traditional CV but also keep it professional
Address to someone specific, not sir/madam. Otherwise it doesn't look like you've done your research. Write about what you like about the company.
Send as PDF so it's easy to read and can't be edited by a third party. Formatting will stay the same.
Follow up with a phone call
Give it a few days to a week which will demonstrate enthusiasm, professionalism and confirm the CV has sent. Also shows confident talking on the phone.
Job application tracker
Keep record of what applications you've sent off. Also means if you apply again for the future so you have their details so you're not starting from scratch again.
BBC Academy production job hunting is a good one to study, channel 4 talent.
Take a copy of your CV and refresh memory of job description
Examples of achievements
Don't lie
Don't criticise past employers
Don't be too enthusiastic
Answer question with examples
Brief and to the point
Come prepared
Appear confident
UNIT READING -Professional Practice- MyUCA
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