News Production: Location Recce


A main location for our pre-recorded bits including the 'top five tips' and 'technology' section was my house. Before filming there we recced the location. Living there I know it well and so had some good ideas of how and where we can film. Its rooms aren't the biggest so filming with a lot of equipment could be a bit of an issue. However, with the right planning we could work around this. So in my room we want to keep it casual by having Jack narrate whilst 'chilling' on the bed with headphones on. This created the feeling of it being student housing, so when we talk about tips for it, we have a fitting environment; my student house is obviously in context with this.

Because of furniture and the lack of room meant theres only a small space to film in. I thought in recceing the location, that the camera should be set up on a tripod centre of the room. The lighting could then be placed on furniture accordingly, depending on what comes out best on camera. In receding, I found the lighting (in the most quirky way possible) was better positioned in the top draw of my chest of draws. This was because it had room and flexibility to move and poise wherever.


The next location to recce was the living room, again a rather small are. We would have no problem filming here as the only scene is me watching the projector to show that it works. So I would be sat on the sofa with popcorn and the camera could be on the tripod facing me directly. It would make sense for the sake of giving a 'cinema' atmosphere and show the projector in its full glory to have an LED light next to the camera and varying the brightness to give the illusion of watching a film. The projector could then be placed next me.


The kitchen will be used for top tip number 5, which is to buy some cheap LED lights to make any room come to life. They create good ambience to work in and also party; two things a students life revolves around. In the script we talk about them being great for those house parties, while everyone just stands in the kitchen. So it would make sense to film a party in the kitchen. After looking at the size of the kitchen, we established it wouldn't be big enough for many people that would show up on camera. After testing, it appeared that while the lights are off and just the LEDs on, with so many people in the way it blocks all the light and there is nothing worth of filming so we would need to restrict it to 2-3 people on camera for the 'party' demonstration. If the atmosphere is good enough, it will hopefully look visually realistic on camera. 


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