News Production: After Effects Workshop

In this weeks 'After Effects' workshop Ferg taught us how to edit green screening, using the software. The process of doing so I found to be a lot easier than I first thought prior to using the software. I have 'Adobe After Effects' downloaded on my laptop and have opened it, making an attempt to use it watching some basic tutorials. I therefore avoided even attempting to edit a green screen, but it turned out to be a lot more simple than what it is to do most of what I've done in 'Adobe PremierPro'.

The process is as follows:

The key to everything in this software is to 'key light'
  1. Create a new composition in 'After Effects' by dragging your video clip into the ‘Composition’ icon or double clicking to import. 
  2. The top menu has‘Effects’ search for the term ‘keylight’ and apply to the video (I used a news template from YouTube).
  3. Now click the ‘Screen Color’ eye dropper tool and click on the green screen section of your image
  4. Switch the view from ‘Final Result’ to ‘Screen Matte’
  5. Scroll down to the ‘Screen Matte’ section and open the menu.
  6. Tweak the ‘Clip Black’ and ‘Clip White’ settings until the background is completely black and the front subject is completely white. Keep the ‘Clip White’ and ‘Clip Black’ settings as far away from each other as you can; this cleans and polishes it up so the green screen background looks lea cut to the front video. 
  7. Switch the view back to ‘Final Result’ and you will see a much cleaner key!
  8. 3


Final Result

When editing my practice green screen edit I wanted to edit a graphic for the screen int he background. I thought to have a spinning globe or something that relates to the news. In doing so the process was the same as it was to do the original layer. I simple switched around the layers accordingly by dragging them around using the timeline. 


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