News Production: My Role as Presenter

Along with planning pre-production, producing and editing, my main job for our new channel is presenting; I am therefore, alongside Jack, the face of this news channel. So the way I come across camera reflects and impacts on the way the entire show is interpreted. When researching into my role, I watched some less serious News Channels, like 'Film Riot' to see how they approached stories and the common trend was to not take themselves too seriously. Making fun of even themselves can be humorous and relaxed. This is similar with another show of inspiration 'Top Gear' where the three presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May mess around and whilst they may be talking about serious things, they will often mock each other, turning something that to most people may see as boring into something actually quite interesting.

I found a website called '' which gave some tips and a check list to become a presenter. So, how do I know the role is right for me? Well, the website says....

    To do this role, you will need to:
  • Have an attractive, strong personality, being naturally outgoing and confident 
  • Enjoy contact with an audience and with people in general
  • Be able to communicate effectively and have a good understanding of the whole production process
  • have excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills
  • possess performance skills and a clear voice for broadcasting
  • have research and interviewing skills, complemented by an inquisitive nature
  • have awareness of media law
  • be able to handle stress and make quick decisions under pressure
  • have a broad range of interests, including current affairs
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures

I feel I fit this profile quite well, I am happy to talk to people in communication effectively and feel I naturally come across outgoing and confident on camera. I am genuinely interested in our news channel and the stories I'm presenting which will hopefully come across in the final video. 


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