News Production: Genre Research- Techflow

Internet personality Alex Brooks (AKA 'Marzbar') is well known for his passion and love for all things technology related. He buys, tests and reviews technology  and sometimes creates his own DIY tech ideas.

He started out making videos on the YouTube platform at the start of 2009, with the ambition of becoming a YouTuber. Something interesting about this period is that it was all about the COD (Call of Duty) community. Now formative videos have got progressively popular if brought in with subtle humour.
His channel that inspired News Grad's tech section was 'Techflow'. In this he reviews tech products of all prices and varieties. His reviews are often his brutally honest opinion (unless sponsored).
Techflow strives to provide its viewers with quality, cinematographic, informative videos about technology. These could be reviews of products, Unboxings, demonstrations and product testing.

His inspirations for this channel is 'TLD Today' and 'Dom Esposito'. We have a common theme on Techflow. We like to do a short cinematic of the product in question before we talk about it which is quite a unique style and way of doing it. His intentions behind it are to inform, not to entertain, which I would disagree with, I think it is both informative and entertaining. TechFlow is ran by a small team of individuals, not just Alex.

It's Techflows well shot, cinematic quality that was perhaps something just as inspirational as its content. The way its filmed is stunning, especially with the lighting. He uses a lot of colours from LED lights, which makes them unique in general and is very fitting to the technology he's filming. It gives off a futuristic aesthetic appearance, which is something I would like our News Channel to do in order to appeal to it's audience.


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