News Production: Genre Research- Film Riot

A big inspiration for our news channel 'News Grad' because of its scripting and clever studio set design which has been created using a green screen. Because we have access to a green screen e have the perfect opportunity to re-create this.

One thing l like about 'Film Riot' is their quick and straight to the point intro before its title sequence. Because it's so short its often humorous but we also know what the video is going to be about before watching the entire video. Many of their videos range  between 5-15 minutes which may not seem very much but in an online video is a lot of time. These introductions also incise the viewer to watch the video and even the rest of the channel which has helped lead to their success of over a million subscribers.

The Presenter

Ryan Connolly is the presenter for Film Riot and is also known as an American filmaker. He works with his brother, Josh Connolly, and other parts of his family, and with Arris Quinones, and Todd Bruno on occasions. He is now the known 'God Father' of the channel, so people will automatically associate the channel with him, which is something I would hope to create when presenting for our channel.

How the channel came about

Connolly was first noticed by a group named 'Revision 3' (Revision3 was a San Francisco-based multi-channel Internet television network that created, produced and distributed Web television shows on niche topics). They found him when he released 'Making the Film', a YouTube show documenting the process of producing a movie. They pitched the idea of a higher-budget version of what is effectively the same thing. Connolly signed up to their team, and began producing Film Riot. The first episode was released on May 27, 2009, and made available on both the Revision3 website and the Film Riot YouTube channel (

'Film' Riot is also an inspiration to our news channel because the majority of uploads come equip with useful tips; in this case tips for the film industry. Likewise, we want to pack our own news channel with useful tips on starting university and whilst you're at university. I watch this channel and  it never fails to deliver interesting content and knowledge I didn't previously know.


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