News Production: News Channel Research- Newsround

CBBC's 'Newsround' is the news for younger people between the ages of 6-12. The tone of the programme is actually rather serious, carrying elements over from the BBC News. However, to appeal to a younger audience the studio is designed to be more colourful and the language used to discuss current affairs is less complex/more informal and easier for a younger audience to understand.  In fact, after digging a little deeper into this, I found the BBCs website backs this point up. When the question is posed "What age group is Newsround aimed at?" they respond: "Newsround has a target audience of 6 to 12-year-olds and the stories and language used in our bulletins reflects that."(

However, just because of its young target audience, doesn't mean they can't cover important news stories that contain sensitive information. All topics are covered here including stories of terror which can be seen as controversial. However, as I'm sure many parents would agree that its important to keep children up to date with whats going on in the world. News-round is able to do this, but just softens it a little. Because its a channel run and owned by the BBC, the footage used abroad etc. will have been from BBCs world news.

The show addresses its younger audience more than what perhaps an adult news programme would. For example, in the following episode the presenter says "gossip that you need to tell your friends at the playground". This just isn't something you would say on an adult news programme. I have taken inspiration from this news channel in our own piece; I think its really important to address the audience. Many student will watch adult news, but its very rare that their point of view will be portrayed seriously because of their age. Having a news channel dedicated to them, about them and for them is a bit more niche.

Stories are kept short and simple on Newsround and they don't go into a great depth. This means episodes will usually last on average around five minutes. Long coverage could lose a child's attention and interest so its important to keep them engaged. Similarly in our news channel 'News Grad' we wanted to keep our fast paced and quick cut to try and keep our student target audience engaged and interested.

In this example episode they mix a serious news story in with a more light hearted story, which is the case with the majority of episodes. This is to show that its not all doom and gloom. A lot of young people, especially children are more impressionable and would walk away feeling pretty depressed if the news just told them all the bad things that are happening in the world. The dynamics of the show mean that they are educated and informed but walk away feeling a bit more comfortable.

Because 'News Grad' is an online channel, we don't have a scheduled time of viewing, only upload so our audience can watch it at their own leisure. However, News-rounds viewing time is 8:15 in the morning, when most children are up getting ready for school and at around 4:00 in the afternoon when most children are home from school. Being that it is shown in the morning before school, its even more important to include some good news elements so it doesn't reflect badly on the rest of their day.  


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